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本文编辑:proprieter时间:2022-08-16 17:31

比如 Can you please let us have your comments on the offer we sent on +月日?2.如果客户继续不回复May I know if you get my offer on+月日?I am attaching again herewith the offer for your reference. Hope to get your feedback soon.3.继续不回复,打不死的小强精神起来。利用报价的有效期说事。Friendly reminder on the validity date. Can you please further advise if the price is workable for you? Price will be invalid on+时间4.继续不吭声。发最新产品/宣传册子,最新出货记录照片,尺寸要控制在1MB以内/目录控制在3MB以内。Here is our newest model which will be in the market soon.或Just shipped 1 container to your country and please see some photos for your reference. Any news from you?5.当客户对原来报价或者方案一直没回复,尝试发下另外的方案或者推荐其他型号报价。I've attached another proposal for you to review. Please look it over and let us know about your thoughts.6.对于有潜力或者比较大的采购商,可以主动表示提供免费样板。7.设法得知客户的Facebook或Instagram。可以在上面关注下他们的动态,从网友的互动做起。8.低价诱饵效应。可对印度,中东,南美那些无限追求低价的国家客户。可以探下他们的目标价 Can you please advise your target? 如果你的价格很有优势很可能就拿下单子。但是如果价格低到你做不下去,也要在下封邮件展开攻势,突出产品的优势和卖点,并表示price will be more competitive if you can allow to adjust the quality .这里面两个意思,一分钱一分货,你们价位高是因为这些优势,第二个意思他愿意妥协质量,价格可以再优惠 。

9.雷打不动,可以开门见山Much appreciated if you can further offer some comments. Then I can know if you still get interested in our products. Otherwise I will stop to bother you.开门见山,直接问他意见,不然停止写邮件给他了。10.长期沟通的客户,突然无音讯了,这时你可以再发一封邮件说明下情况。Since I haven't heard from you since last week, I realize my email may have gotten lost in the slush pile, so I'm following up again.从上周开始,就没收到你的回复。我意识到邮件可能进了垃圾邮箱。所以我2022-08-16 再跟进下。02邮件模板参考以下4封邮件模板,供大家参考:1跟进新客户Hi [Name],I really enjoyedchatting with you earlier today andlearning more about how you and [your company].很高兴今早与您的交谈,并进一步了解了您和[贵公司]。I promised you some more infoand here it is.I’ve attachedmore information about [request] and [other].请查收我答应给您的资料,已附上有关[要求]和[其他]的更多信息。Please let me knowwhen you have had a chance totake a look atthis info andwould like me to give you a call to discuss.I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.Feel free to call me at [number] any time.请让我知道您何时有机会查看这些资料,并希望我何时给您打电话进行讨论。

我很乐意回答您的任何问题。也欢迎您随时给我打电话。[Signature]2邮件发出后,客户没有动静Hi [Name],I trust thatyou have had an opportunity toread my previous email and look at our website,soI figured it’d be worthchecking in with you again.我相信您已查阅了之前给您发送的邮件并浏览过我们的网站,因此我认为是很有必要再次与您联系的。Have you given any additional thought to my proposal?I’d be happy to do a quick review of it on the phone andanswer any and all questions you may have.您对我的提议(方案)是否有其他的想法呢?我很乐意通过电话对其进行快速审核,并回答您可能遇到的所有问题。When would suit you for a quick call?什么时候方便跟您通话呢?[Signature]3按照约定给客户发送资料Hi [Name]I’d like to thank you for taking the time tohear me out on [DAY].I’m really excited aboutthe big progress of this relationship.感谢您抽出宝贵的时间在[日期]跟我进行通话。我们关系的进一步推进让我感到非常兴奋。

You mentioned thatyou would need to consult with [Person] before making a decision.I am really eager to hear what they thought of my proposal.您提到在做出决定之前,需要与[人员]进行协商。我真的很想听听他们对我的建议的看法。Is there a spot on your calendar I could claim to discuss how we can take this deal forward?您能给我一个准确的日期,让我们讨论如何推进这项交易吗?[Signature]4适用于好久没联系的客户Hi [Name],I’m sorry we haven’t been able to